Honeywell thermostat connections manual
· Connect Wires Simply match wire labels. If labels do not match letters on the thermostat, check “Alternate Wiring” on page 6 and connect to the terminal as shown (see notes, below). The thermostat does not work on Heat Pumps with auxiliary/backup heat. We are here to help. Call for wiring assistance. Alternate Wiring. · This type of wiring requires a line voltage thermostat and is not compatible with low voltage thermostats. If you see wires connected to terminals labeled G1,G2,G3, you will need a thermostat capable of controlling multiple fan speeds, none of our retail thermostats are compatible with this system type. G is compatible, but not G1,G2,and/or G3. 5 Wiring terminal designations 6 Wiring conventional systems: forced air and hydronics 1H/1C System (1 transformer) 1H/1C System (2 transformers) Heat-only System Honeywell Pro Series Thermostat Manual USER MANUAL Honeywell Programmable ThermostatModel.
This type of wiring requires a line voltage thermostat and is not compatible with low voltage thermostats. If you see wires connected to terminals labeled G1,G2,G3, you will need a thermostat capable of controlling multiple fan speeds, none of our retail thermostats are compatible with this system type. G is compatible, but not G1,G2,and/or G3. If the thermostat is already mounted on the wall, remove the thermostat by placing your thumb between the thermostat and wallplate and pulling the thermostat up and away as shown. Terminal on Old Thermostat Connect To Description R, RHa, 4, V RPower Rc, Ra Rc Power for cooling W, W 1, H W Heat Y, Y 1, M Y Cooling G, F G Fan O O Changeover in cool. Honeywell Thermostats AQTN2 User’s Manual (PDF) Honeywell AC User’s Manual (PDF) Honeywell rthb Installation And User Manual (PDF) Honeywell RTH Wi-Fi User Manual (PDF) HONEYWELL FOCUSPRO USER MANUAL (PDF) Honeywell Pro Series Installation Manual.
If you've started to notice a rise in your heating bills, uneven heating, or your heating system switching on and off more frequently, it may be time to replace your thermostat. New thermostats are more accurate and more reliable than older. Honeywell has made a business out of helping homes be more comfortable. Today, it is one of the leaders in providing solutions for connected homes, including delivering a variety of digital thermostat models, along with more traditional the. The Honeywell CTA thermostat is a line-voltage thermostat used to power electric baseboard heaters. Wiring one is like wiring a conventional wall switch. The Honeywell CTA and CTB are line-voltage thermostats typically used to cont.