Honeywell l8148a1017 aquastat relay manual
Aquastat Relay separately; refer to form , Wells MANUAL SWITCH 1K1 C1 B3 B2 B1 C2 L2 LJ MB. LA,E,J AQUASTATfi RELAYS 5 Š12 Fig. 5. Wiring LA in oil-fired, forced hot water, tankless, zoned, pump system. Fig. 6. Wiring LE with internal plug directly to vent damper in hydronic intermittent pilot system File Size: KB. · I have a Burnham Revolution gas boiler with a Honeywell LE aquastat. When the boiler calls for heat the boiler appears to run, but the burners do not ignite until i give the aquastat a couple of r In the burnham manual it lists 2 one is a honeywell LD and the other one the manual li. LA,B,C,E,G,L,M AQUASTATfi RELAYS 3 Š10 Table 1. You're reviewing: Honeywell LA High Limit Horizontal Mount Aquastat Relay 8 Your Rating. Quality. 1 star 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars. Value. 1 star 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars. Price. 1 star 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars. Nickname. Summary. Review. Submit Review. FREQUENTLY BOUGHT TOGETHER.
LA,E,J AQUASTAT® RELAYS 3 —9 Table 2. Standard L Model Specifications. a See Fig. 1 for case dimensions. b Number of V Zone Valves that can be powered from the L without additional transformer(s). A load is the. LA,E,J AQUASTATfi RELAYS 5 Š12 Fig. 5. Wiring LA in oil-fired, forced hot water, tankless, zoned, pump system. Fig. 6. Wiring LE with internal plug directly to vent damper in hydronic intermittent pilot system. Honeywell LA High Limit Horizontal Mount Aquastat Relay, 8°F differential. Immersion-type controllers that combine high limit protection with switching relay control of burner and circulator motors. Features: High limit opens burner circuit only. Include transformer and accessory terminals for adding a remote low limit controller.
Honeywell LA/U High Limit Aquastat Relay, VAC, to deg F, 8 deg F Differential, Horizontal Mount, Domestic HONEYWELL LA Only $ for a Honeywell LE - High Limit Aquastat Relay! In-stock and ships today. Free shipping on orders over $ Installation Instructions for the Trained Service Technician. Application. These Aquastat® Controllers operate in response to tem- perature changes in hydronic.