Gamewell manual pull station
5-lb. maximum pull force requirement. Operating instruc-tions and Braille text are engraved in the handle. All sta-tions have a key lock/reset which is keyed alike with Gamewell-FCI fire alarm control panels and other manual fire alarm stations. MS-7AF Velociti Addressable Station The MS-7AF Velociti® Series addressable station is a dou-. Gamewell FCI MS-7S Manual Fire Alarm Pull Station #1 Supplier for Fire Safety Equipment in North America. Our company is dedicated to help and supply your fire equipment needs with the best prices Worldwide. We have the most dedicated customer service team to help you with any question regarding our products and your orders/5(18). The Gamewell-FCI® SWIFT® addressable pull station is a dual-action, manual pull station with a key-lock reset feature that provides one addressable alarm initiating input. The pull station features similar aesthetic design and durable construction characteristics as the wired counterpart to blend seamlessly throughout the environment.
The Gamewell-FCI MS/MST Addressable Manual Pull Station is a non-coded, single-action, manual pull sta-tion with a key-lock reset feature. Its rugged toggle switch design offers exceptional resistance to accidental alarms caused by a sudden vibration or shock. The MS can be used for surface and semi-flush installations. It is compati-ble with the following Gamewell-FCI addressable fire alarm. Description Manual Pull Stations The Gamewell-FCI MSL Series is a state-of-the-art, sin-gle- or dual-action XP95 pull station that includes an XP95 addressable interface for any Gamewell-FCI Series Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP). Because the MSL Series is addressable, the FACP can display the exact location of the activated manual station. Manual Fire Alarm Pull Stations Addressable Devices General The Gamewell-FCI, MS-7 Series manual fire alarm pull stations are available in a wide variety of configurations. The pull stations co mply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 5-lb. maximum pull force requirement. Operating instructions and Braille text are engraved in the handle.
Learn all about the Gamewell-FCI WPS-DL SWIFT® Wireless Pull Station. Click to find product details, documentation, ordering info and more. 17 de nov. de action XP95 pull station that includes an XP95 addressable interface for any Gamewell Series Fire Alarm Control Panel. (FACP). The MS-7 series is a family of addressable manual pull stations designed to be installed in the signalling line circuit (SLC) of a Gamewell-FCI addressable.