Fuji frenic 5000vg7s user s manual

manual and the FRENIC-Mini User's Manual, the motor may rotate with a torque or at a speed not permitted for the machine. An accident or injuries could occur. • Do not touch the inverter terminals while the power is applied to the inverter even if the inverter stops. Doing so could cause electric shock. Deliver this manual to the end user of this product. Keep this manual in a safe place until this product is discarded. For instructions on how to use an optional device, refer to the instruction and installation manuals for that optional device. Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. Fuji Electric Corp. of America INR-SIa-E. Read them in conjunction with this manual as necessary. • FRENIC-MEGA User's Manual • RS Communication User's Manual These materials are subject to change without notice. Be sure to obtain the latest editions for use. Safety precautions Read this manual thoroughly before proceeding with installation, connections (wiring), operation, or.

Febru. No Comments. on FUJI FRENIC VG7S PDF. FRENICVG7S is our highest performance vector control inverter developed using Fuji’s leading technologies for the 21st century. The inverter has a. Fuji Frn15vg7s-2 FRN15VG7S2 FRENIC vg7. About this product Fuji Frenic FRNG11S-4JE 10hp VSD Variable Speed AC Drive motor starter G1. manual and the FRENIC-Mini User's Manual, the motor may rotate with a torque or at a speed not permitted for the machine. An accident or injuries could occur. • Do not touch the inverter terminals while the power is applied to the inverter even if the inverter stops. Doing so could cause electric shock. Page 1: Instruction Manual. VG7S Series INSTRUCTION MANUAL High-Performance, Vector Control Inverter CT Use (%) V Series V Series kW/FRNVG7S-2 kW/FRNVG7S-4 90kW/FRN90VG7S-2 kW/FRNVG7S-4 VT Use (%) V Series V Series kW/FRNVG7S-2 kW/FRNVG7S-4 kW/FRN90VG7S-2 kW/FRNVG7S-4 HT Use (%/%) V Series V Series kW/FRNVG7S-2 kW/FRNVG7S-4 55kW/FRN55VG7S

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