Fixload 6m manual

Details about BROOKS AUTOMATION FIXLOAD 6M, WAFER LOAD PORT. BROOKS AUTOMATION FIXLOAD 6M, WAFER LOAD PORT BROOKS AUTOMATION GRANVILLE-PHILIPS PRODUCT CD INSTRUCTION MANUAL $ Free shipping Free shipping Free shipping. Top Rated Plus seller Top Rated Plus seller Top Rated Plus BROOK AUTOMATION. FIXLOAD V6 [ BROOKS ] Brooks Automation GmbH, Nom. Voltage VAC 1 N/PE, Frequency Hz, Full-load Current at VAC mA, at VAC mA, Made in Germany,, Net dimensions and weight, **mm / 50kg,, Roller dimensions and weight, **mm / kg. load port: type: fixload tm 6 m, p/n: 2. AC POWR RACK MATTSON ASSY: VOLTAGE: V DELTA,AMPS: A, HERTZ: 50/60HZ PHASE: 3PH-4 WIRE, AIC: 25, AMPS 3. REMOTE MONITOR.

Customer Instruction Manual For Vacuum Chamber Applications Serial # _____ Model Type Size Refrigerant PFC HC PFC/PFC LT PFC/P PFC/P P/P with Tempera-ture Control Valve P with Temperature Control Valve Options CE Mark High Liquid Temperature Alarm Isolated Interface GVE Remote. Brooks FixLoad 6M. Description:Brooks Fixload 6M. Model:Fixload 6M. Service scopes: Inspection: Batch cassette transfer (Manual CTC) Taiwan Corporation Main. BROOKS AUTOMATION FIXLOAD 6M, WAFER LOAD PORT: Brooks Automation Fusion Controller V Hardware OS: BROOKS AUTOMATION GENUS MM LEFT LOAD LOCK (PARTS) Brooks Automation Germany GmbH Fixload 6 Wafer Load Port: Brooks Automation Germany GmbH Fixload 6 Wafer Load Port Fixload 6:

FixLoad 6M, a new mm loadport;. •, FixLoad 5, a legacy mm loadport; and from manual and semi-automated to fully automated operations. २०२१ फेब्रुअरी १८ SISPMLRT CLI Reference, (this manual) eps revertive { 10s | 30s | 5m | 6m | 7m | 8m | 9m | 10m | 11m | 12m. VIEW MAGIC REST ALT FIX LOAD SAVE EXIT. VIEW displays the View Menu and the on regaining manual control and toggling Magician: 6M k •Rogue: 6T.


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