Figure skating manual
Manuals on various topics provided to RSA members. EDUCATIONAL MANUALS Your convention and education committee often will put together various materials that you can use in your rink for educational purposes. 4 U.S. FIGURE SATING SAFESPORT MANUAL REVISED JANUARY 1, To All U.S. Figure Skating Members, Member Clubs, Programs and Volunteers: The SafeSport Program is . The purpose of this manual is to concisely record what we've learned and pass it on to future FFSC competition officials so they can carry on the tradition that we've started and keep Ice in the Pines alive and well. This manual is loosely based on US Figure Skating's Competition Guideline Manual. It presents a.
ROLLER FIGURE SKATING DICTIONARY COMBINING PREVIOUS DANCE, FIGURE AND FREE SKATING DICTIONARIES (Pages Version , Pages Version ) An Official Publication of. skaters will have a basic knowledge of the sport, enabling them to advance to more specialized areas of skating. U. S. Figure Skating Basic Skills Program. Basic Skills 1–8. Basic 1. 1. Sit on ice and stand up. 2. March forward across the ice. 3. Forward two-foot glide. 4. Dip. 5. Forward swizzles – 6–8 in a row 6. Backward wiggles – 6–8 in a row. 7. to ice skating 1. To increase participation and generate enthusiasm for all ice sports 2. To offer a free introductory skating lesson, free skate rental and a lot of fun 3. To teach the proper technique to beginning skaters Having an open house and offering free lessons at the local rink will entice families who have never skated to give the ice a.
Trinity Placentia Figure Skating Club powered by Uplifter. PO Box Whitbourne, Newfoundland and Labrador A0B 3K0 | assume Straightaway Extension position and have the skaters lift extended leg off the ice. Skater will be able to lift the extended leg without falling to the. File Dance Test Manual (updated ).pdf centre you will be able to find all documents and publications relating to ice skating in the UK.