Contoh manuals text
· Ciri Procedure Text. 1. Menggunakan Simple Present Tense. 2. Menggunakan Imperative (kata perintah) Kata perintah digunakan supaya pembaca melakukan tahap-tahap yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan atau 3. Menggunakan Ordinal Number. Ordinal number adalah angka yang menunjukan urutan yang Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins. E. Contoh Procedure Text. Setelah mengetahui pengertian, tujuan sampai fitur bahasa yang ada di procedure text, berikut adalah contoh dari procedure text supaya bisa lebih memahami teks ini lebih lanjut. 1. How To Make Pancake. Ingredients: 1 cup all purpose flour; 2 tablespoons of sugar; 2 teaspoons of baking powder; ½ teaspoons of salt; 1 cup full cream milk. · The information in a procedural text is usually written in the present tense and is arranged in a logical sequence of events which is broken up into several sequenced steps. Based on its purpose, a procedural text may explain how things work or how to operate things (how to use the scanner, the computer, the camera, etc.), give instrucions on how to do an activity (cooking recipes, .
How to Write a Procedural Text. State your goals clearly at the beginning. List all materials and equipment in order of use. List the steps in chronological order. Focus on general people by using subject "You" or "We" instead of individuals. Use action verbs (imperative verbs), such as cut, peel, plug, turn on, etc. contoh manual and tips bahasa inggris. 1 comment for "Manual and Tips (Procedure Text) SMK Kelas XI - Part 1" patricia cox 28 August at Contoh Procedure Text tentang Minuman. Brewed Tea bag in 50 ml of hot water. Add sugar, and then stir until evenly distributed. Squeeze the lemon. Then, pour lemon juice into the tea. Add ice cubes and add ml of cold water. Stir until the lemon juice mixes with the tea. Add lemon slices as.
Texts that explain how something works or how to use instruction / operation manuals. For example: how to use the CD player, the handphone. PROCEDURE TEXT: MANUAL TIPS. Number of times this content has been viewed 2, Button to like this content 2 Button to share content Button to report. Functional text karena penggunaanya disesuaikan dengan fungsi-fungsi tertentu.