Carrier 19xr parts manual
Carrier's AquaEdge® chillers offer the best value in high-efficiency, chlorine-free centrifugal HVAC chillers. Water-cooled chillers within the scope of the AHRI WCCL certification program are certified in accordance with the AHRI Water-Cooled Water-Chilling and Heat Pump Water-Heating Packages Certification Program, which is based on AHRI. Created Date: 4/25/ AM. 19XR Frame 4 Oil Film - Carrier, Bryant Totaline HVAC Parts.
19XR Frame 4 Oil Film - Carrier, Bryant Totaline HVAC Parts. Catalog No. Printed in U.S.A. Form 19XR-6SS Pg 1 Replaces: 19XR-5SS Start-Up, Operation, and Maintenance Instructions SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Centrifugal liquid chillers are designed to provide safe and reliable service when operated within design specifica-tions. When operating this equipment, use good judgment. 1. Identify the tube sheet on the evaporator (19XR,XRV) or condenser (23XRV) where the display is to be mounted. Insert the bolt into the center hole of the tube sheet mounting bracket. NOTE: Do not remove the white plastic piece inside the mounting bracket.
Quality 02XR Carrier 19XR oil cooler exv for sale - buy cheap 02XR Carrier 19XR oil cooler exv from Carrier parts manufacturers Carrier. 12 ທ.ວ. boss was looking for a tear down manual and a parts list if possible so there own but it's not a official Carrier 19XR teardown manual. USE only repaired or replacement parts that meet the code ††Refer to the 19XR, 19XRV Computer Selection Program for motor code details.