Boxster convertible top manual operation
· Let us show you how to operate a Porsche Boxster Convertible Soft Top. Thanks for watching! · Modification of Boxster convertible top to be manually take a look at the pictures · Porsche Boxster Convertible Top Repair - / () - Pelican Parts Technical Article. I decided that for now (and probably forever), I will operate the top on this car manually instead of electrically. It's simple, safe, and functional. If you remove all the unneeded parts, your car will be about 15 pounds lighter.
Let us show you how to operate a Porsche Boxster Convertible Soft Top. Thanks for watching!. There is a detailed procedure in the owners manual. But basically you have to "lever off" the joint rods on both sides of the top. Instructions say to take care they (joint rods) are under spring tension and also that you must take care to support the weight of the top so it doesnt fall when you disconnect the rods. Boxster / Cayman. Boxster Boxster Boxster Cayman DO NOT TRY AND OPEN/CLOSE THE CONVERTIBLE TOP USING THE SWITCH ONCE YOU HAVE DISCONNECTED.
not sure if this allows uploading of pics or not but this is in the owners manual for manual operation - more to follow as it only allows. I have developed a massive leak in my driver's side top piston and am front latch assembly to activate the latch after manual operation. Porsche Boxster: Like the MX-5 Miata, the Porsche Boxster gives you the While the convertible latch is manually operated, the roof.