Bluejackets manual

The Bluejacket's Manual, 23rd Edition: United States Navy Centennial Edition (Paperback) Published February 1st by US Naval Institute Press. Centennial Edition, Paperback, pages. Author (s): U.S. Department of the Navy, Thomas J. Cutler. ISBN: . From the days of oars and coal-fired engines to the computerized era of the 21st century, The Bluejacket’s Manual has been an essential part of the American Sailor’s sea bag for over one hundred years, serving as an introduction to the Navy for new recruits and as a reference book for Sailors of all ranks. Written by a Sailor whose decades of naval service included sea duty in . The Bluejackets' Manual [Bill Bearden, Bill Wedertz] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Bluejackets' ManualReviews:

The Bluejacket's Manual To keep our professional books as current as possible and to provide useful supplementary materials, we have created this section for our Blue and Gold Professional Series. Checking this site periodically will keep the information in your USNI professional books current and accurate. Bluejacket's Manual has been an essential part of the American Sailor's sea bag for over one hundred years, serving as an introduction to the Navy for new recruits and as a reference book for Sailors of all ranks. The Bluejackets' manual Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. Share to Facebook. Share to Reddit. Share to Tumblr. Share to Pinterest.

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