8mm mauser reloading manual

 · When in doubt I always stop adding powder when maximum velocity is reached. The Nosler book showed just under fps from 54 gr. of H as a max load. I am, in theory, well under maximum. fps with gr. match bullets is .  · Reloading: The 8mm Mauser. Historical Notes: The 8mm or Mauser was the German military rifle cartridge through both world wars. It was officially adopted in with a bullet diameter of inch. In , the bullet diameter was increased to inch. In Europe, the 8mm Mauser and several other 8mm cartridges are available in both www.doorway.ruted Reading Time: 2 mins. Owner’s Manual for the Care and Use of The Legendary German Mauser 98K of WWII in 8mm Mauser Caliber Mauser: the Crown Jewel of Bolt Action Rifles! This Owner’s Manual should always accompany the rifle and be transferred with it upon change of ownership. Become thoroughly knowledgeable with the instructions contained here and review theFile Size: 1MB.

Reloading The 8mm (8×57) Mauser Rifle. Rifle Loads; Posted on: Wednesday January 6, Reloading Manual, #12 – – Winchester Reloading Components Manual. Hello all. I recently purchased an 8mm k98k Mauser. And due to the limited factory loads I want to do some reloading for this weapon. I fully intend to use this rifle for hunting purposes. Now I live in southern Louisiana so white tail deer and hog are about the largest animals I can legally. 8mm Mauser / 8x57mm Mauser / 8x57mm JS Mauser (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with loads. Using bullets from Hornady SP, Hornady RN, Sierra SP, Barnes TSX, Nosler BT, Speer SP.

Jan And the 8x57 is the only cartridge I reload for that can use it. Evidently, Hodgdon doesn't seem to think IMR version is ideal for 8mm. SET YOUR SIGHTS ON PISTOL RELOADING DATA. Find what you need in four easy steps. Select your cartridge type from the drop-down list. 8mm S Patrone[edit]. German government driven efforts to further improve on the performance of the military M/88 ammunition and the service arms in which the M/.


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