Lathem ltr4-512 manual
· LTR Master Clock Time Setting And Wall Clock Synchronization Instructions. Lathem Master Controls are ideal for schools, hospitals, airports and industry. The system can be programmed with eight password-protected bell schedules, each capable of executing 64 multi-function events. Click here to read an important article on the US Power Grid. Designed for Lathem's wired wall clocks, the LTR series can control virtually any type of secondary clock system. The system can be programmed, via keypad, with eight password-protected bell schedules, which may be used in combinations; each capable of executing 64 multi-function "events" ( aggregate). View and Download Lathem LTR installation user manual online. Master Clock. LTR clock pdf manual download. Also for: Ltrm, Ltr
E User's Manual. Download. Series User's Manual. Download. HD Users Guide. Download. User's Manual. Download. E Users Guide. LTR Specifications / VAC +/- 10% 50 / 60 Hz 30 Watts Max 10 Year Lithium Battery Backup 32O – O F 5% - 85% non-condensing 14 lbs. Calibrated Quartz Osc. w/ Lithium Back-Up +/- 2 minutes per year 24 VDC to VAC, 10Amp, Double pole relay contacts (plug-in) Over 50 clock correction schemes plus RS 0 or 4 plus RS Lathem LTR Master Control - 1 Clock + 2 Signal Circuits or 4 signal only. Lathem Master Controls are ideal for schools, hospitals, airports and industry. With Lathem's wall clocks, the Master Control series can improve attendance, organize schedules and increase efficiency. The system can be programmed, via keypad, with eight password-protected bell schedules, which may be used in.
Lathem master clock. Watch later. Share. Copy link. Info. Shopping. Tap to unmute. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your. Some brands we cover include: Lathem, Faraday, Honeywell, Simplex, Wired synchronous correction allows user to manually configure the the time and. Village C Store LandscapePROJ-C LIGHTINGRiver Pointe Additional documentation PL Additional documentation.